TRBOnet Enterprise 5.3
TRBOnet are happy to announce the availability of their advanced console system. TRBOnet All-in-One is an alternative console solution for TRBOnet Enterprise and TRBOnet PLUS 5.3. The unique configurable interface makes it easy for an administrator to create a console where the dispatcher can concentrate on tasks that really matter.
TRBOnet One boasts many useful features, such as:
Flexible user interface, where you can change the position, size and colour of Voice PTT boxes and other elements of the console to better adapt to your requirements.
Telemetry Dashboard, a highly configurable visual module that enables you to work with MODBUS telemetry devices connected to TRBOnet Enterprise or PLUS.
Support for all conventional and trunked MOTOTRBO radio systems.
Standard features that are available with Enterprise and PLUS, including but not limited to Voice Recording, GPS Location, RTSP-compatible IP Cameras, Phone Connect, Patching.
More features will be added to TRBOnet One in future releases.
NOTE: TRBOnet One requires a dispatcher connection license. TRBOnet One and the standard dispatcher
consoles are interchangeable and can connect to the same server at the same time.
TRBOnet Mobile Client Update 2.1 (Android)
The TRBOnet Mobile Client application turns your smartphone into a portable PTT device that appears as
a regular radio in the dispatcher console. The updated software for Android smartphones has the
following features:
iBeacon-based positioning, the mobile client can report nearby iBeacons to the dispatcher console.
File transfer, take a picture using your smartphone and send it directly to the dispatcher.
Support for high latency, up to 1500 ms.
TRBOnet Enterprise and PLUS
Job Ticketing Updates
Scheduled job tickets
Support for the Job Ticketing protocol based on data rather than text messages
Alarm Management Updates
Opens a camera in a new window in case of an alarm
Starts an action on an incoming SIP call from a specific ID
Capacity Max Updates (R2.9)
Call Priority Pre-emption
DMR Tier 3 Telephony
Other Improvements
Instant call-back to a radio in alarm
Last known location (GPS/iBeacon) of a radio
in alarm
Support for redundant PABXs
Support for MOTOTRBO Link (R2.9)