Bolt-on applications for Airsys.Cloud BBPTT

When communications are critical, Airsys.Cloud is the solution




Airsys.Cloud Lone Worker Protection



Worker Down: As soon as the cellular device is in a horizontal position for a defined period of time,
an automatic emergency alert including the identity and location of the cellular device will be sent to the group.


Emergency Call: Pushing the Emergency Call Button causes an Alert to go to predefined users
which includes the location of the alerting device. Additionally, a full duplex call is initiated between the parties.


Airsys.Cloud Indoor Push to Video

Save Time with Push to Video: In day to day operations, a video capability can save valuable time and provide
access to specialists who are able to see what you’re seeing and advise how to proceed, potentially saving expensive specialist call outs.


Emergency Video: In emergency situations, full-duplex video with audio can help prevent a potentially
dangerous situation from escalating, minimising danger to those involved.


Airsys.Cloud Indoor Localisation


Do more: Indoor localisation is like GPS in a lot of ways, but with one big difference, it thrives inside.


All in real time: Track and pinpoint personnel wherever they are in real time.
This will help you optimise your workflows, reduce costs, and ensure the safety of your crew