Event Management
- Conferences, Exhibitions, Sports, Arts and Culture events, Rallies, Shows, Music Festivals and much more are now part of our everyday lives, often held at venues that were never designed for the purpose, from public roads to large open spaces. Indoor events too have grown with many exhibitions taking place in multi-hall, purpose built centres the size of a small town.
From the management of contractors and deliveries at the build-up, to security, safety and co-ordination during the event, through to the break-down, ‘out’ and clean up – organisers and their teams are well aware that they should expect the unexpected in whatever form it takes.
Which is why the use of two-way radios in event management is so widespread and for good reason; whatever happens in and around an event, someone needs to know – and two-way radios provide the instant, reliable communications tool that underpins every successful event.
Kenwood has been involved in supplying its proven two-way radio equipment for use at major events for many years, from the ever present licensed analogue radios and ProTalk license free PMR446 walkie-talkies to the complete trunked communications centres at large events and festivals which allow Contractors, Crowd Management, Safety and Medical teams, Stewards, Artist Management, VIP Concierge Services, Caterers, Site and Stage Management, Transport, Sanitation, Waste Management and of course Security staff to communicate within their own groups and cross-communicate with extended event management teams as required.
Discover more about the millions of Kenwood devices in use by countless customers in hundreds of applications around the world, including the innovative multi-protocol NX-5000 Series and NX-3000 Series.