At Airsys, people are our biggest asset, personal development is key, supported by training and encouraging progression. We also like to have fun, celebrate success, enjoy our work, and be a passionate team player.
This is demonstrated through a poem, written by a member of the warehouse team, made even more special considering English is not their first language.
Do you need a communications device with the latest technology?
Airsys is a company where you can buy Radios, mobiles and accessories,
When you need to send your message quicker
You might just need a repeater,
When you need to upgrade your radios range
Place the order, don’t be shy
Phone the number
Or just fill the form on-line.
First step done,
Now get ready for the fun!
Great idea was the order,
Can’t wait to do a reorder,
Thinking how long will I wait
Is the stock in line?
Don’t you worry you are fine.
If a question should come to the light,
Customer Service will answer you right.
Orders in the system,
Before 4pm, just in time!
Now the warehouse can pick and pack,
In few seconds your consignment will be tracked.
Where is my order, no need to flap,
You got that tracking on your map!
Now just waiting for the currier to arrive,
Show time, that’s when you strive.
Oh no you say, I forgot to ask,
Shall I program, so they’re up to the task!
Don’t have time for that, it’s too manic!
Ah, I am starting to panic!
Just quickly send them back
and Professional Service will get you on track!
Now you are nearly sorted,
Oh, that’s fine but another question came to mind
Training is available here & now,
For Airsys to show you how
Don’t wait for too long,
As the spaces may expire soon!
INNOVATION CENTRE! – that’s the thing,
So, thinking to yourself loud…
Do you also have a space in the cloud?
Yes, yes is the answer!
Just need an upgrade and we’ll do the transfer.
Information, innovation and new technology!
That’s what we are doing here.
“Global village” is the name of this theory,