Sally's Airsys Journey 
There is always a chance to build new skills and progress your career at Airsys, whether you want to progress further into a new role or gain more experience in your current role with training and learning. Meet the team who have changed roles throughout their time at Airsys and hear what they have to say about their own experiences!   

pexels-yan-krukov-8867434-(1).jpgDescribe your journey through the buisness- what position did you start in? 

Customer Service Manager to Operations Manager. 


Why did you decide to change your role within the buisness?

I enjoyed learning all aspects of the business through my initial role and progressed to Operations Manager.


tactical.jpgHow did you go about progressing into your current role- was it easy? 

I had two seperate years off on maternity leave for my 2 children and I completed a few project management roles during my return including setting up Airsys Europe, Airsys Africa and our e-commerce platform. Due to my experience and knowledge gained through the projects and previous management of customer service, the Operations Management role was perfect for my return to work after having my children. 


 marine.jpgWere you supported in your career progression journey? For example, was there training in place to accommodate you in your new role?  

  • It was all on the job experience, with some guidance from the previous Managing Director. 


aviation.jpg Do you see yourself progressing any further/ changing roles within the business in the future?

There is always room for improvement, or a new direction depending on the business needs. Change is good, I enjoy it. 



 Do you want to be a part of our team?


pexels-alexander-suhorucov-6457544-(2).jpgMeet the team

Working in customer services at Airsys means being part of a team dedicated to growing our business through great customer relationships, being part of a team that really matters. 
Life at Airsys 


swatcom-home-banner-01.jpgCustomer Service 

Are you interested in joining the customer service team here at Airsys?

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Airsys Careers  



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